Michigan Hemp
Farmer Association
(616) 902-4666 6924 Blue Water Highway
Saranac, MI 48881
Your membership to the Michigan Hemp Farmer Association includes access to three events per year, which will provide an invaluable opportunity to learn about the business and expand your own farm. We are all about small Michigan craft hemp farmers, first and foremost. We protect, train and empower craft hemp farmers.
Our goal is to help craft hemp farmers make and distribute their own products independently and safely.
These events are specifically designed for small, craft hemp farmers with five acres or less. However, anyone connected to the hemp industry through farming or business is welcome to become a member and attend these invaluable sessions. They’re open to anyone who’s interested in Michigan hemp farming.
You may be wondering how to become a hemp farmer or how to navigate harvesting and product distribution.
While you can certainly search for resources on the internet, learning from the experts who have already succeeded in the industry is second to none.
The Michigan Hemp Farmer Association is proud to offer a variety of educational events each year, taught by experts in the field. Your membership fee goes directly into the creation and implementation of these events, which are specifically tailored to encourage the advancement and thriving of craft hemp farms in the hemp industry.
You can attend these sessions via video live stream, You Tube or in person for a hands on training session.
Our 2022 events are:
At the Michigan Hemp Farmer Association, we want to encourage everyone growing hemp in Michigan to connect and learn more about the industry. These events will answer all your questions about hemp growing and help you boost your hemp business.
If you are from a minority background trying to get into the hemp industry but are running into roadblocks, you’ve come to the right place. Our main goal is to uplift minorities, especially women and people of color, to become a part of the industry and flourish. We recognize that women and people of color have a more difficult time starting in the hemp industry, and we want to change that for the better. We will provide resources and support to help you and your business thrive.
Harvesting hemp and being a small farm can be daunting–don’t worry! The experts at the Michigan Hemp Farmer Association will help. Our board and event presenters are industry experts who can guide you through the process, from planting seeds to applying to the Industrial Hemp Ag Pilot Program.
We’re Michigan farmers happy to encourage your own growth as a craft hemp farmer.
Want more hemp-related events and sessions?
Check out our Facebook page, as we frequently share other events and information sessions around Michigan. You’ll find Association-related news and hemp industry-related news on our page, as well. Plus, connect with like-minded craft hemp farmers all around the state!
Need information on crop insurance, regulations, forms, and other resources related to hemp farming?
If you’re getting started in the craft hemp industry or want to learn more, here are some great resources for you:
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development: MDARD
FAQs on hemp licensing and regulation: Michigan State University
Everyone at the Michigan Hemp Farmer Association looks forward to you joining us! If the idea of a community of like-minded individuals in the hemp growing industry excites you, the association is the perfect place for you. From navigating acquiring a license from the state department of agriculture to finding the perfect hemp plant for your farm, we’re ready to assist you and help your business grow. To join our association or for more information, call (616) 902-4666 or fill out our contact form.